Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

MC Bahasa Inggris - welcoming speech

sekedar bercerita sedikit yah pemirsa...
ini adalah teks MC yang selalu saya bawa kesana-kemari untuk menghafalkan teks ini pemirsa, dulu (tiga tahun yang lalu) saya seorang santri baru di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid, sekolah di Lembaga, Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, yayasan Nurul Jadid, ya... saya yang selalu membawa teks itu selama menjadi siswa baru di asrama Program Unggulan IPA (wajib menggunakan bahasa Inggris di asrama- setelah menjalani masa karantina 1-3 bulan pertama) dan saya adalah korban pelanggaran ter-banyak point-point nya hihi... so, saya deh pemirsa yang dapet punishment tiap hari -_- yah salah satunya melanggar bahasa (tidak bicara bahasa inggris dan tidak hafal/lancar dalam membawakan acara dengan bahasa Inggris) mungkin dari pengalaman saya, saya ingin berbagi teks MC bahasa Inggris InsyaAllah bahasanya / vocabnya mudah untuk difahami bagi siswa baru (baru mengenal bahasa Inggris maksutnya) hihi... silahkan, yuk hajar! hayuuuk...


Assalamu alaikum wr. Wb

Excellency : KH. Moh Zuhri Zaini, BA as the leader of Islamic boarding school Nurul Jadid
Honorable : all of managers of Nurul Jadid collage
Respectable : all of educators of Kalijaga dormitory, especially excellent program of natural science’s.
And unforgettable, all of my friends whom I respect.

First of all, praises and thanks always be upon to our God, Allah, The most merciful and the almighty. As the powerful essence all over the universe, that has created the world belongs to all mankind.  And he also has given us lots of mercies and blessings till we can gather together and attend in this special activity in this special occasion exactly.
Secondly, never be forgotten to send the best thanks and salutations to our greatest prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (peace be always upon him) as the world inspirations and all humans’ best examples. Who has brought us from the stupidity to the cleverness like nowdays.
Thirdly, I would like to say thank International student organization, the successfully organization that has conducted this activity in order that it will give us useful in the world and hereafter.
Respectable educators, honorable audience, ladies/brothers and gentlemen
In this special opportunity, I am as the master of ceremony would love to mention the agendas as follows.
1.       Opening
2.       Speech presentation
3.       Conclusion
4.       Comment and marking
5.       Closing
Happy audiences, ladies and gentlemen/happy audiences, all of gentlemen.
For the first agenda is opening. Let us open our activity by reciting al-fatihah together in order that our program will be running well as what we expected and together with God’s blessings. Al-fatihah….
Respectable educators, honorable audiences, ladies/brothers and gentlemen
To step to the waited agenda, that is speech presentation. For the (first/second/so on)* speaker, I would love to call our respectful brother…… the time is yours
Thanks very much, your speech is very good.
Happy audiences and brothers
Well, for the next agenda is conclusion. For the (first/second/so on)* concluder . I would love to call our beloved brother……. The time is available.
Thanks for your conclusion.
Well, to step to the forth agenda is comment and marking. For the commentator (tonight/ today)*, I would love to invite our respectable educator……. The opportunity is welcome.
Thanks for your comment. Hopefully they will make us to be better
Happy brothers and gentlemen
For the last agenda is closing. Let us close our activity by reciting hamdalah together, hopefully this will give us useful…
Well, I am as the master of ceremony, if I have many mistakes to you all, I beg your pardons. And the last I say
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb

 *depend on the situation/ tergantung pada situasi

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